Evidence of use patent claim charts refer to element by element break down of claim elements and their mapping against infringing products or standards.

Claim charts prepared at Crimson Insights are not mere plain vanilla claim charts, our claim charts tell a story.

Visual Appealing – We support our claim charts with color coding schemes such that relating elements is easy. We also go beyond the conventional tools (Microsoft office products) and make use of 3D drawing and illustration tools to make understanding easy. In some cases we have also provided in house generated animation to prove our point.

Self-explanatory – Claim charts prepared at Crimson Insights are self explanatory to the extent that they can be interpreted even by a layman with ease.

Value added Commentary: We also provide additional technological information / background culled from reliable sources using secondary searching to support / reinforce our mapping. In addition to this, our analysts provide first hand commentary describing how the patent claim elements are mapping against the product / standard.

High Definition (HD) claim charts: HD claim charts or full-blown claim charts refers to mapping techniques where even the smallest and the most obvious elements are mapped against product features leaving no room for ambiguity. Our HD claim charts are sure shot way to prove infringement.

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  • “The evidence of use charts provided by Crimson Insights were perfectly on point.” – a US based IP law firm
  • “We will be sending you more work for evidence of use charts soon. Thanks!” – an IP Law Firm from Texas
  • “Thanks for providing us with such good evidence of use charts. 5/5 for you guys.” – a top mobile device manufacturer.
  • “I was delighted to get such comprehensive EoU charts at such a reasonable price. Keep up the good work!” – US patent attorney

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